Irene shares her memory of a cruise to a Greek island.

Translations/summaries are available below in both Spanish and English. These are designed as resources for working with the text in ASL. They are not intended to represent a definitive way to translate the text.

Visual Description

Visual Description: Old white woman is wearing blue and white stripped blouse and is shown from the waist up. She is sitting in front of a dark-grey screen. A white CATIE Center logo is in the lower right corner of the screen. The woman narrates the entire video in American Sign Language.

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Fui a un crucero con un grupo de personas sordas a Grecia, fue hermoso, bailamos, la pasamos tan bien, lindo.

Luego, navegamos hasta llegar a las islas, hermosísimas. Habían caballos para montar, pero les tenía miedo a los caballos y mulas. Los demás sordos cabalgaban sin problemas, no sabía que hacer. Estaba parada mientras unos se iban lejos, en eso un local oyente con bigotes grandes y las axilas apestosas se sentó delante de mí para guiar mi caballo, se acercó tanto a mí que le podía oler sus axilas. Cabalgamos hasta llegar arriba, la vista era hermosa, veía a las personas locales que vivían en la isla, precioso. Todas las noches lavaban las losetas del piso y la vista era preciosa con tres o cuatro banderines que bailan al viento, realmente bello.

Cuando entré vi a una niña oyente que trabajaba tejiendo, su habitación era pequeña con una cama y un televisor, ella seguía tejiendo muy lindo. En eso recordé haber escuchado de un templo. Cuando pregunté del templo me dijeron que tenía que pagar primero, así que entre todos aportamos para que nos den la llave para entrar. Era del tiempo de Hitler, cuando asesinaron a 6 millones de judíos mientras que otros huyeron a Grecia, y en esa isla construyeron el templo. También, al otro lado tenían una iglesia católica, todo era hermoso.

Antes de ingresar debíamos pagar, cuando nos abrieron la puerta me quedé impresionada con los cristales en el techo, era hermoso lo que veía, todo lindo. Justo en ese momento me dieron ganas de ir al baño, no sabía qué hacer, en eso me encontré con una niña y ella me guío a una habitación bien angosta, con una cama pequeña y una estufa, más un televisor en la pared al otro lado de la cama, me enseñó el baño y no quiso aceptar dinero por el favor. Las personas ahí eran muy amables y amigables.

Cuando terminamos de mirar todos nos indicaron que era hora de regresar, pero todo estaba lleno del estiércol de los caballos, no sabía qué hacer. Tuvimos que caminar pisando todo el estiércol para regresar al bote, ¡asqueroso! Tratamos de limpiar toda la capa de heces de los zapatos. Sin embargo, ya no es así, ahora tienen un teleférico para regresar al bote, antes, en los 70 no había eso, se tenía que caminar de regreso al bote.

Fuimos a Israel, Roma, llegamos a ver las tumbas y muchos otros lugares y cosas hermosas.

A Cruise to Greece

I went with a group of Deaf friends on a cruise to Greece. My goodness – it was beautiful. We had plenty to do on the ship like dancing. In the middle of the cruise, we took a small boat out to a beautiful small Greek island. We were to ride horseback to our destination, but I was afraid to get on horses or donkeys. My friends had already gone on ahead, but I wasn’t sure what to do. There was a man there with a thick mustache who spoke Greek.  To me, he smelled strongly of body odor. I rode holding onto him and smelling his stench as we climbed the path to where we would stay. The view at the top was breathtaking. You could see the homes of other people living on the island. Every night they would wash the tiles and the view was incredible and included three mountains.

I went into a quaint room where a girl made woven items. It was so small with simply a bed and a TV. I also learned they have a temple on the island. When I enquired about it, they told me it cost money to visit. You have to pay to get to be able to view it, but that it was beautiful. It turns out that during the holocaust, some Jewish people managed to escape Germany and made it to Greece. Some lived on this island and had built a beautiful temple. I wanted to see inside so I  went ahead and paid the fee. It was remarkable with crystal all around. Then I realized I had to use the bathroom but I didn’t know there there was a facility. A girl lead me to a small living quarters with a tiny bed, stove, and TV. I offered her money but she wouldn’t accept. The people there were incredibly nice and friendly. The place where I was able to use the bathroom was full of horse manure! I didn’t know what to do! I had to trek through it to be able to go. It ended up caked all over my shoes. Then we had to take the boat back to the cruise where I was finally able to scrub my shoes. Now they have an electric tram from the ship.  You don’t have to go by donkey. But that was back in 1970s.

On the island, you can see the ruins, like in Israel and Rome. It’s a place worth visiting.